Though society increasingly challenges the conventional gender stereotypes beyond the simple and restrictive 'male' or 'female' label, change always comes with resistance. Gender-nonconformity is still seen as being deviant. More education is needed toward young people about what they can do to support non-binary people and elicit active support.
Use language as a tool to support non-binary people at the moment they are being talked about and start with those we know.
Let's say you have a friend named Diana who identifies herself as non-binary. In the "About" section of her social media accounts, she selects what best represents her. In Facebook, she has the option of selecting "Genderfluid".
Now, when Diana is mentioned with an incorrect pronoun, that pronoun will highlight itself as a typo.
The correction bubble that pops up will allow users to correct the typo with the preferred pronoun and learn more about non-binary people like your friend.
We don't stop there.
To educate and encourage others to do the same, the corrected post will be posted with the correction bubble still in tact.
As friends and friends of friends scroll through their newsfeeds, they will come across someone they know who has corrected their gender typo toward another.